Tips for a Healthy Mind

Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you can’t tell by our previous blog posts, we’re big advocates of healthy living. The easiest thing to neglect is not your physical health, but your mental health. And to be a well rounded healthy person, you need to find a way to increase your mental, emotional, and physical health.

  • Being active for 20-30 minutes a day is actually a great way to keep your mind healthy as well as your body. When you increase your heart pressure, your body releases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, or BDNF. Your body will also release endorphins, which make you feel great.
  • Stimulating your brain. Find something that you’re curious about and spend time in focused thought.
  • Finding a creative outlet. Being creative is great for your brain. When you find a creative outlet, you’re constantly challenging yourself to think in innovative and unique ways. We have a driver who’s into airbrushing artwork. There are literally thousands of ways to harness your creative side, and any of them are a good way to get your brain going.
  • The most important part of mental health is staying connected and doing good deeds. This can be challenging for drivers, especially drivers who are only home occasionally, but it’s a vital ingredient to a quality state of mind. There are always shelters in need of a helping hand or organizations that could use extra help. Another great way to feel like you’re giving back to your community and doing some good is by becoming a part of Truckers Against Trafficking. We are not endorsed by them, but we feel very strongly in their fight to end human trafficking. You’d be amazed how much you can help just by being alert and aware of your surroundings.