One of the world’s most interesting men works for us.

Here are the things I knew about Jonnie before asking him our questions: Jonnie is an OTR driver. He’s had his license in Europe since 1975 and has had his license in the States since 1994. He’s a charming guy with a British accent who’s wife is a yoga instructor and he complimented me on my tree pose, so he pays attention to his wife’s yoga instructions.

Here are some fun facts we’ve learned!

Get to know: Jonnie Benzimra

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Driving on some of the open roads, eating, and being nice to unsuspecting people.

What are some of your hobbies?

Hang gliding, walking, trekking, and traveling. 

What are three interesting facts we should know about you?

1. ABBA wrote a song about me.

2. I’ve been to Outer Mongolia & Tibet.

3. I used to drive for Rock n Roll bands, and I’d drive from London to Rome regularly.

Where’s your favorite place to vacation?

China, US Virgin Islands (St. Croix, specifically), and Peru.

What brought you to the United States?

Sex, Love, Marriage, Money.

Other than this position, what have been some of your previous jobs?

Actor, business man, personal assistant to a more successful actor, chauffeur to the famous, and a carpet salesman for interior design.